People Worth Reading/Listening To

Many people have voices and ideas that are worth listing to, but a few rise above the rest. These ideas can change how you view everything from physics to philosophy to Economics. Below is a list of influential people with some of the most thought provoking ideas.

Jordan Peterson – Psychology
Sam Harris – Philosopher / Neuroscientist
Milton Friedman – Economics
Thomas Sowell – Economics
Jonathan Haidt – Social / Moral Psychology
Stefan Molyneux – History / Philosopher
Robert Sapolsky – Evolutionary Biology
Carl Jung – Psychology
Wim Hof – Breathing Technique, Ice Man
Eric Weinstein – Physicist
Bret Weinstein – Biologist
Ben Shapiro – Political Science
Tim Pool – Independent Journalist
Michael J Sandel – Ethics / Justice
Dr. Janice Fiamengo – English / Human Right
Will Wit – Social Commentary
Denis Prager – Social Commentary
Christina Hoff Sommers – Feminism (Second Wave)
Lily Tang Williams – Activist Against Communism

Alex Epstein – energy, fossil fuels, climate