Kat Type M Gaming

How did I come up with the name Kat Type M?

That name appeared from a character that was created in the MMORPG City of Heroes in 2006. Since I like cats I just changed the beginning letter to K and she was born. Then I needed a back story for the hero character. What to think up? Where did she come from?

She (Kat) was ripped from the fires of hell into the lab as a test subject. She was a fire/fire tank with a spicy attitude. Kat grew in strength to escape from the Lab into the city to become a Hero.

Kat Type M then became my gaming tag for everything because it was so unique. Eventually I turned it into a brand!


Kat Type M Gaming (Youtube)

Kat Type M Gaming (Twitch)

Kat Type M Gaming (Kick)